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► Impact of Prerequisite Lag on Performance in the Introductory Finance Course by Kasim L. Alli, Emmanuel O. Onifade and Wanda L. Owens

► Adapting Case Study Methodology to On-Line Education: The Eastinghouse Case Example by Barrie A. Bailey and Frank R. Flanegin

► The Modification of Principles of Finance For Generation Y Learners by By Jill Bale

► Fine Dining in a Small Market - Will it Work? by Joe Ballenger and C. R. Henderson

► A Class Experiment to Illustrate One of the Most Important Forces in Finance: Multiple Asset Arbitrage by R. Brian Balyeat

► A Contribution to the Empirics of Teaching Operations Management: Reverse Causation Evidence on the Effort-Performance Relationship by Gustavo Barboza, Chin Yang and Tony R Johns

► An Exploratory Analysis of Students’ Use of the Textbook by Thomas Berry, Lori Cook, Nancy Hill and Kevin Stevens

► Potential Issues with Retirement Calculators by Kristin Bristol and David Fehr

► A Pit-Trading Approach to Teaching FOMC Announcement Analysis by Jeffrey Brown, Jonathan Clements, Terrance Grieb and Christian West

► Tutoring in Finance: A Service Learning Experience by Amy Burnett

Incorporating Financial Planning Case Studies into the Undergraduate Curriculum by Paul L. Camp

► Evidence of Grade Inflation at an AACSB-Accredited Business School by Charles C. Carter,  Kenneth J. Wiant and Marcus T. Allen

► A Note on Capital Budgeting: Treating a Replacement Project as Two Mutually Exclusive Projects by Su-Jane Chen and Timothy R. Mayes

► The Pedagogical Importance of the Implied Growth Rate and Terminal Value Multiple by Andreas Christofi and Petros Christofi

► Arbitrage in the Classroom Using U.S. Treasury STRIPS by C. Steven Cole and Michael Braswell

► Enriching Your Classroom Presentation with Real Experiences by William D. Cooper, Charles F. Malone and Michael Cornick

► Integrating Financial Statement Modeling and Sales Forecasting by John T. Cuddington and Irina Khindanova

► Interest Rate Swap Pricing: A Classroom Primer by Patrick J. Cusatis

► A Systematic Approach for Developing Elective Courses in Finance by Juan M. Dempere, Paul Camp and Timothy Mayes

► International Business Consulting Projects and Management Education by Shreesh Deshpande

► Online, ITV, and Traditional Delivery: Student Characteristics and Success Factors in Business Statistics by Douglas P. Dotterweich and Carolyn F. Rochelle

► Interactive Forwards and Swaps Trading: An Exercise in Negotiation by Donald Flagg

► The Course: Global Legal Issues in Marketing Decision Making by Sundar Fleming and Marka Fleming

► Business Management Courses: Instructional, Institutional and Interdisciplinary Issues by Sharyn H. Gallagher

► Guesstimation as a Pedagogical Device in Finance by Louis Gattis Jr.

► Getting Started with Instructional Podcasting by Lou Gattis Jr.

► A Service Learning Model for Management Students by Catherine Giunta

► Valuing Investment Decisions: Flotation Costs and Capital Budgeting by Neeraj J. Gupta and Wonhi Synn

► Evaluating the Instructional Methodology Focus for Teaching the Introductory Finance Course (Conceptual vs. Spreadsheet Tool – Which is Best?) by Dr. Karen Hallows

► For Whom is the Classroom Bell Tolling? by Nell Tabor Hartley

► Williams Manufacturing: A Leasing Conundrum :A Case Study by Kurt R. Jesswein

► Barbarians in the Classroom: The Case of RJR Nabisco by George W. Kester

► Green Investing, Socially Responsible Investing, or Index Funds? by James E. Mallett and Stuart Michelson

► Presenting Service Learning as an Opportunity: An Ethnographic Study by Erin McLaughlin

► Legal Education: It’s Not Just for Business Students Anymore! by J.  Patrick McLaughlin, Northwest Missouri State University

► Chippewa Watershed Conservancy: Not-for-profit Budgeting An Integrated Case for Not-for-profit Financial Management by John B. Mitchell

► Are All Customers Created Equal? A Multiple Demand Class Inventory Case by Benjamin Neve and Marco Lam

► Portfolio Management Applications for the Classroom: Illustrating spot-futures parity and bear/bull strategies with ETFs and mutual funds by John J. Neumann

► Cabela’s:  A Case Study in Destination Retailing by Denise T. Ogden and J.R. “Doc” Ogden

► Corner Table Incorporated: Establishing a Frozen Food Division by Steve Pilloff

► Bringing The Wall Street Journal into the Classroom by Steven P. Rich and Charles J. Delaney

► A Collaborative Finance Course Between Universities in México and the United States by Peyton Foster Roden and José Humberto Guevara Balderas

► Nontraditional Technologies in Financial Education by Arlyn R. Rubash and Marjorie A. Rubash

► The Business of Being Non Profit: Teaching a Course in Non Profit Leadership and Management by Lisa A. Schwartz

► Understanding the Factors that Contribute to Graduate Student Success: A Study of Wingate University’s MBA Program by Lisa Schwartz, Kristin Stowe and Patricia Sendall

► A Primer on Bond Portfolio Value at Risk by Donald J. Smith

► Teaching Finance Ethics Using the Case of the Subprime Mortgage Meltdown by David S. Steingard and George Webster

► The New Paradigm in Dividend Pedagogy by Harold B. Tamule and Robert Rambo

► Cooperative Learning:  A Teaching Tool for Accounting Classes by Theresa Tiggeman, Susan Hall and Meng-Tung Chen

► Totally Burned: A Case Study on Employer Branding by Kathryn Toelken and Patricia Mark

► Gateway Computers: Financing Growth by Susan White

► Financial Analysis and Forecasting: An Intermediate Step between End-of-Chapter Problems and Full Cases with a Mini-case Generating Tool by Kenneth J. Wiant

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