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Call for Papers

The Journal of the Academy of Business Education is a multi-disciplinary journal seeking the following kinds of papers:


  • Educational research - empirical research that tests teaching practices, student performance and learning environments;

  • Pedagogy - papers offering interesting or unique approaches to teaching or delivering business education - general or discipline specific

  • Curriculum - papers addressing interesting or unique approaches to curriculum development and discipline integration

  • Cases -- well crafted cases that illustrate several important issues to either single or multiple discipline

  • Literature reviews - papers that offer extensive reviews of current relevant research and thought;

  • Multi-disciplinary - papers emphasizing multi-disciplinary approaches to business education

  • Ethics and Moral Values - papers offering guidance in the integration of ethics and moral values in business education.



There are few strict layout requirements for submitting a manuscript for review. Specific style instructions for publication will be provided upon acceptance of manuscript. Style and format requirements that are important for publication are often not suitable for reviewing. However, the following are guidelines are helpful in preparing your manuscript for submission:


1) Manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced and in an easy to read font such as Times Roman (12 point) or Courier (10 point);


2) Cover page should include paper title, authors' names and affiliations and phone number and email address of manuscript contact person. Authors' names should appear nowhere else in manuscript;


3) First page of manuscript should begin with paper title, followed by an abstract of no more than 100 words, then followed by the first section of the paper that should be called "INTRODUCTION";


4) Sections - There should be no more than three levels of headings in body of paper:

    Level One  headings should be left justified and all caps;
  Level Two headings should begin each word with capital letter and left   justified;
  Level Three headings same as Level Two, but italicized.


5) End Notes - Use end notes only, not foot notes. Number them consecutively throughout the manuscript with superscripted Arabic numerals (don't use foot note feature of software). Place all end notes together at end of manuscript before the REFERENCES section;


6) Equations - Number all equations consecutively and place number in parentheses at the right margin of equation. If you use equation editor, place equation number outside of equation box;


7) Tables - Except for very small tables, tables should be placed at the end of manuscript. Make every effort to avoid "landscape" orientations, but we understand this is not always possible. Tables should have centered headings as:


Table 1: Title of Table Should Look Like This

Note in body of paper approximately where table or figure should be placed, as:

Place Table 1 about here


8) Figures - All figures should be headed as in the tables described above, except use the word "Figure" in place of "Table." Each figure must ultimately be provided in camera ready form on a separate sheet;


9) References - References should appear alphabetically by author's last name at end of paper. Citations in body of of paper should be in [brackets]. Only include references actually cited in paper. Examples:

Smith, R. J. "Learning by Doing: Teaching Can Be Fun," Journal of Business Education, 22 (Spring, 1994),77-81.

Jones, R. R., Carol King and Sidney Slack. "Team Teaching Via the Internet," Journal of Educational Design, 7 (No. 2, 1993), 123-144.

In the body of the paper show citations like this [Smith, 1994] or [Jones et al., 1993].


10) Paper submissions should be e-mailed as a MS Word document to Dr. Janita Rawls at the following address: There is no fee for manuscripts submitted to JABE by ABE members. Only one author needs to be a ABE Member. All fees must be paid using the credit card options as noted on the Membership Application Tab.


(Click here to make credit card payment). 


Library Institutional Membership is $100 and can be purchased here.





Dr. Janita Rawls  -

© 2023 Academy of Business Education

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