â–º Graphic Representation of Option Portfolios by Connecting the Dots by Gary A. Anderson, Joel R. Barber and Jim D. Keys, Florida International University
â–º ABEs of IEMBAs by Steven R. Ash, James J. Divoky and Mary Anne Rothermel, University of Akron
â–º Survey Research in Finance: Views from Journal Editors by H. Kent Baker and Tarun K. Mukherjee
â–º A Borrowed Approach for a More Effective Business Education by Bruce K. Blaylock and Janet L. McDaniel
â–º Changing of the Guard: Farmers Telephone Cooperative by Patricia C. Borstorff, Michael D. Featherstone and Jeffrey Haymon, Jacksonville State University
â–º Integrating Theory and Practice: The Capital Budgeting Process Report by Peter A Brous, Seattle University
â–º Factors Driving Student Motivation by Beth Castiglia
â–º Motivating Accounting Educators by Akhilesh Chandra, William D. Cooper and Michael F. Cornick
â–º The Pedagogy of Mortgage Prepayments: The Difference Between Points and Negative Points by Cris de la Tore and Christine A. McClatchey
â–º Current State of African American Financial Institutions by Sundar W. Fleming, Bruce Tucker and Natalie Mills, North Carolina Central University
â–º Mortgage Refinancing: The Interaction of Break Even Period, Taxes, NPV, and IRR by Rich Fort, New Mexico State University, Stuart Michelson, Stetson University, Stanley D. Smith, University of Central Florida and William Weaver, University of Central Florida
â–º Beyond Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling by Mike Frandsen, Albion College
â–º Minority Business Cases: An Exploratory Analysis of Why There are so Few by Roger J. Gagnon, North Carolina A&T State U., Shona Morgan, North Carolina A&T State U. and Jeffrey Totten, Southeastern Louisiana University
â–º Active Learning in Accounting Classes: Three Literacy Strategies by Susan M. Hall, Theresa M. Tiggeman and Anita Anderson
â–º Economic Departments and Their Contributions to the Elite Journals by Jean L. Heck, Peter A. Zaleski and Scott J. Dressler, Villanova University
â–º An Internet Based Classroom Response System by Larry C. Holland and W. G. Lide, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
â–º The 'Disposition Effect' in a Student-Managed Investment Fund: An Application of the Own-Benchmark Portfolio by Douglas R. Kahl, University of Akron
â–º Service Learning and Student Performance in Basic Statistics Courses: Further Evidence by Felix U. Kamuche
â–º Regional and Global Economic Integration: Implications for Global Business by William J. Kehoe, University of Virginia
â–º Using the Case Method to Teach Finance: Challenges and Opportunities by George W. Kester, Washington and Lee University, Elton G. McGoun, Bucknell University, Timothy B. Michael, University of Houston - Clear Lake, and Ben Nunnally, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
â–º From Great to Ghastly: How Toxic Organizational Cultures Poison Companies: The Rise and Fall of Enron, Worldcom, HealthSouth, and TYCO International by David R. Lease
â–º Creating a Learning Community in Financial Management: The Application of the Method Summary in Team Based Decision Processes by Mark Lewandowski and Tim Sanderson, Oral Roberts University
â–º The Mirror Has Two Faces: An Experiential Exercise in Social Perception by Jeffrey A. Mello and Filiz Tabak, Towson University
â–º Teaching Management as Jazzin': Improvisation in the Management Classroom by Gordon Meyer and Girish Shambu, Canisius College
â–º Predictability of Success in Accounting Courses: The Impact of Motivation by David E. Morris and Thomas W. De Berry
â–º Analysis of Decision-Making Strategies Utilized by Hispanic Business Leaders for Determining the Credibility of Information Sources by James L. Morrison, University of Delaware, Titi Oladunoye, Albany State University and Dale Rose, Albany State University
â–º Responsibility Leadership by Kevin O'Mara and R. Barth Stempek
â–º On a Subset of Ranked Contributors to Finance Literature by Rose M. Prasad and S. B. Prasad, Central Michigan University
â–º An Integrated Approach to Teaching Spreadsheet Skills by Mindell Reiss Nitkin, Simmons College
â–º Designing an International Experience for Business Students in a Small College by Majorie A. Rubash and Arlyn R. Rubash
â–º Implied Risk Adjusted Discount Rates by Patricia A. Ryan and Timothy J. Galagher, Colorado State University
â–º Forecasting Exchange Rates within the Context of an International Financial Management Course by Ralph Sandler, Spring Hill College
â–º An Analysis of Cheating Among Business Students: The Influence of Religion and the Campus Environment by Lisa L. Schwartz and Kristin F. Stowe, Wingate University
â–º Curriculum Redesign Update: On Integrating Six Business Disciplines in the Undergraduate Business Core Curriculum by Patricia Sendall and Susan E. Pariseau, Merrimack College
â–º Developing an Undergraduate Research Program in Economics by Kevin M. Simmons, Austin College
â–º Definitional Problems with the Rate of Return Concept by Joe Walker and Ted Bos
â–º Contract-Based Grading: Innovation in the Classroom Through Creative Grading by Jam B. Wehrley
â–º The Japanese Business Novel: A Resource for Giving Finance an International Flavor by Susan White, University of Maryland
â–º Integrating Student-Centered Learning in a Compensation Management Course by Stephanie G. Ward and Bill Greehey